Thursday, 21 March 2013


The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC)  rating for our film will be a 15. The BBFC decide ratings for films. The things that 15 rated films can include are as follows:
  • strong violence
  • frequent strong language (eg 'f***').
  • portrayals of sexual activity
  • strong verbal references to sex
  • sexual nudity
  • brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
  • discriminatory language or behaviour
  • drug taking
Because our film is about gangsters we've felt we have had to include things such as guns, violence and bad language so people can get a real feel of how it is which is why we have this rating. 

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Change of script

We decided to change the script as we felt it wouldn't work with our finish version. The new script is below:-

Ever wondered how I got here?

Its been a long hard trip up

I lived a rough life

but one day a certain man changed it all

he gave me a couple of jobs

started to earn a bit of money

and make my way up in life

it was simple really

the worse the job was

the more money I made

then I got a call

a very important call

from the man at the top

this was where the real jobs were done

he quite liked me, and I became his right hand man

but then I realized the only way to get to the top is to take out the man above you